Origami Instructions and Diagrams

Step by Step diagram are probably the most popular and easiest to follow way to show how to fold things out of paper. Trying to find good origami instructions on the Internet can be a lot of work though. To help your search we've put Together the largest database of free origami designs anywhere on the Internet.

Interesting facts about Camels

  • Camels are social animals who roam the deserts in search of food and water with up to 30 other individuals.
  • exception of rutting males competing for females, camels are very peaceful animals who rarely exhibit aggression.
  • Contrary to popular misconception, camels do not store water in their humps.

Interesting facts about chameleons

  • Chameleons are reptiles that are part of the iguana suborder
  • The chameleon changes its color by exciting or relaxing its skin, changing the density of the upper layer of iridophores
  • The red color is caused by a red pigment (erythrophore) and the green is the result of a yellow pigment (xanthophores), with the blue wavelength being reflected from the iridophores.

Interesting facts about Pigeons

  • Pigeons are incredibly complex and intelligent animals. They are one of only a small number of species to pass the ‘mirror test’ – a test of self recognition.
  • They can also recognise each letter of the human alphabet, differentiate between photographs, and even distinguish different humans within a photograph.
  • Pigeons can have dull or colorful plumage, depending on the habitat and type of diet. The most common type of pigeon (that lives in the cities) has grayish plumage

Interesting facts about Teddy bear

  • The teddy bear is normally a cub or baby bear. In Russia, bears were used as children's toys for many years before they became popular in the United States.
  • The teddy bear in Russia has been the subject of folklore or stories for many years. Some people believe that teddy bears are only a children's toy but the bear is more than that.
  • the Teddy’s bear was first released by Morris Michtom, little did he know that a stuffed toy of the same nature was being made in Germany. Richard Steiff designed this particular toy bear and it went on exhibition in 1903.

Interesting facts about Panda

  • Giant pandas (often referred to as simply “pandas”) are black and white bears. In the wild, they are found in thick bamboo forests, high up in the mountains of central China
  • Panda researchers have counted 11 different panda calls—and four of them are used only when searching for a mate. [5] An adult giant panda weighs about 200-300 pounds (90-135 kg).
  • These magnificent mammals are omnivores. But whilst pandas will occasionally eat small animals and fish, bamboo counts for 99 percent of their diet.

Interesting facts about Cicada

  • There are 3 broods of the 13 year life cycle cicadas, and 12 broods of the 17 year life cycle cicadas. They are labelled with roman numerals Ⅰ – ⅩⅤ. At the time of writing this in 2021, brood X is about to awaken. The difference in life cycle length has something to do with the time needed for the cicada to mature in the ground.
  • The last time we saw brood X in the United States was in 2004, before that 1987, and now they’re back in 2021 which is every 17 years. The next time we see them will be in 2038. They usually emerge from the ground sometime in late April or early May.
  • Periodical cicadas spend 13-17 years underground as nymphs, annual cicadas will only spend around 2 years in this form before they come to the surface. However, once they do arise their purpose is the same. Mate, lay eggs, then find a good place to die.